Selected Prices

Per Sample Rates Chemsitry University / Hospital External
EI, ESI and DART Ionization $25 / sample $40 / sample $70 / sample
MALDI Ionization $25 / sample $40 / sample $70 / sample
Hourly Rates Chemistry University / Hospital External
Full Service
LC-MS $100 / h $150 / h $200 /h
Method Development / Consulting $100 / h $150 / h $200 /h
Researcher Training $100 / h $150 / h -
View our detailed price list here

Please direct all inquiries for pricing and available services to the Laboratory Manager.

T: (416) 978-5089


Form Download Link Details
Sample Submission Form For all clients submitting samples for analysis
User Registration Form For user training + access to LM18
Key-fob Activation Form For access to LM18 only
Biohazard Clearance Form Internal For clients in the Department of Chemistry
Biohazard Cleaerance Form External For all other clients outside Chemistry